
A successful and meaningful after school club allows children to learn about life, to train children versus just entertain them! This does not mean that it can’t be fun. Just as adults unwind after a long day of work, children need a place to unwind after the challenges of the school day, but structure, not chaos, is the key.  A healthy balance of schedule and non-scheduled times allows children freedom to choose, and provides purposeful direction.   (taken from How to Start an After School Program)

Scheduled Activities:
A monthly activity selection plan will be posted by the first monday of every month under the "members only"  page  to allow time for selection of the various activities offered.  Children will be asked to choose from a wide range of activities and we will do our best to accommodate children according to their first choices.   Each family will be expected to submit their monthly activity plan with their choices by the last Friday of each month.  The following descriptions are not a comprehensive list of all that will be offered, but a sample of what options will be present.  Suggestions are welcome from parents and children for other activities.

Arts and Crafts:

Children are given the opportunity, if desired, to create a weekly art project, which will be used to both decorate our center, and be taken home, to be enjoyed by their family.   As children take pride in their work, their creativity will flourish and  their self-confidence will increase.

Drama Group: 

Each week, the  children will be given the opportunity to sign up for Drama Group which will meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday.   Some skills will be taught, but mostly children will be encouraged to explore their “dramatic” side through theatre games, puppet plays and role-playing, 

Board Game Tournaments:

Each week we will feature a different board game, available for play during our structured Create and Play time.  Those children who choose this activity will learn the skills of taking turns, making change, following rules, playing fairly, and will have the opportunity to sample a variety of board games throughout the year.

Book Club:

Older and younger children who enjoy reading will have the opportunity to read through several books as a group throughout the year.  Books will be chosen  according to the age-range of those children who have chosen this activity.  Depending on the subject matter, and the interest of the children, theme discussions and relevant art activities may also be part of this Create and Play time 

Cooking Class:

All children will be expected to learn and participate in our daily snack adventures, but on Wednesdays we feature “The Big Snack”.  Children who choose this activity will learn and practice basic cooking skills, as well as presentation and hospitality skills, as they serve their creations to the children in the program.

Fitness Activities

Daily scheduled fitness activities include Floor Hockey, Indoor Wide Games,  Rudimentary Ball Games,  Jump Rope, Dance, and Outdoor Wide Games.   These activities, plus weekly tournaments with a little healthy competition, promote  a fit lifestyle, encourage teamwork, and increase skill levels.

Unstructured Activities: Although structure is the key to success, we also strive to be flexible, allowing the children’s personalities, weather, and special days of the year to help dictate the flow of our schedule.  

Unstructured Outside Playtime:

Children are under constant supervision while playing in the yard or accompanied to the nearby playground. 

Computer Access: 

For older children, upon permission granted in writing by a parent, there will be two computers available for use.  These computers may be used to do research, or play games.    Computer time will be limited to half hour, and Parental Controls will be on the internet at all times.  No Social Networking will be allowed during this time.

Homework Help: 

For those children who will need quiet space, or an extended amount of time to work on homework assignments, or special projects, we offer a “quiet room” .   Homework help will be given if needed, but children are encouraged to work independently.

Unstructured Gym Time:

The gym will be available for unstructured play at designated times in the schedule.  Use of the balls, and other equipment is encouraged, as well as group-initiated games.

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